Quilting for Generations

Thank you for looking at my blog page.

If you would like a quilt made for you or if you need quilting to finish a quilt, please e-mail me at johnsusanhawaii@gmail.com or phone me at 808-237-9609.

To view a larger picture of my quilts, simply double click on the pictures.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Block of the Month--Tri County Guild--Texas

When I was a member of Tri-County Guild in Cypress Texas, I participated in the block of the month.  How it works is-- you make two blocks of the guild's choosing.  One block goes in a drawing for all participates and the other one is donated to have made for an donated to a charity group.  I won 20 block and then I made a few more to make the quilt the size I wanted.


Kara Haushalter said...

I like this one a lot!!!